
Unsupervised 3D model analysis has attracted tremendous attentions with the increasing growth of 3D model data and the extensive human annotations. Many effective methods have been designed to address the 3D model analysis with labeled information, while rare methods devote to unsupervised deep learning due to the difficulty of mining reliable information. In this paper, we propose a novel unsupervised deep learning method named joint local correlation and global contextual information (LCGC) for 3D model retrieval and classification, which mines the reliable triplet set and uses triplet loss to optimize the deep neural network. Our method proposes two schemes: 1) Local self-correlation information learning, which adopts the intra and inter information to construct the view-level triplet set. 2) Global neighbor contextual information learning, which employs the neighbor contextual information to explore the reliable relations among 3D models and construct the model-level triplet set. The above schemes encourage that the selected triple set can been used to improve the discrimination of learned features. Extensive evaluations on two large-scale datasets, ModelNet40 and ShapeNet55, have demonstrated the effectiveness of our proposed method.

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