
In beautiful weather this excursion was made to Camps Limestone Quarries and the Oakbank Oil Works, both near Midcalder. About three dozen members attended. Mr William Conchie led the party to Camps Quarries—Mr Torrance, jun., directing them through a new subterranean quarry of much interest and beauty. Specimens were obtained of the ‶buckie fake″ bed, which occurs at the base of the limestone, and which contains Littorina Scoto-Burdiegalensis . The party then proceeded to Oakbank Oil Works, over which they were conducted by Mr Charles Fraser and the officials of the Oakbank Oil Company. The various processes and products were carefully explained, and the party were conveyed on a locomotive engine to the mouth of the shale pit. From thence they adjourned to the ‶Torphichen Arms,″ Midcalder, where an excellent tea-dinner was partaken of. Mr Ealph Richardson, one of the Vice-Presidents of the Edinburgh Geological Society, occupied the chair, and Mr D. C. Glen, Member of Council of the Geological Society of Glasgow, was croupier. After dinner the chairman proposed the toast of ‶Prosperity to the Geological Society of Glasgow,″ to which the croupier replied, and proposed ‶Prosperity to the Oakbank Oil Company,″ coupled with the name of Mr Fraser, who responded. Mr J. Barclay Murdoch, Hon. Secretary of the Geological Society of Glasgow, then proposed ‶Prosperity to the Edinburgh Geological Society,″ to which the chairman replied; and shortly afterwards the members of both societies returned to Midcalder station, having spent a most enjoyable and instructive day together.

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