
The shallow S-wave velocity model is difficult to accurately obtain in seismic exploration, resulting in poor imaging quality when traditional static correction methods are applied to PS-waves. Moreover, unlike for PP-waves, identifying an interface near the water table to use as the datum for PS-waves is almost impossible in many cases. We have developed a case history of joint consistent static correction for PP- and PS-waves of Basin A in Sichuan province, China. In our workflow, crosscorrelation calculation is performed on PP-wave common shotpoint and common receiver-point stacked sections and PS-wave common receiver-point stacked sections to jointly obtain stable shot and receiver statics of PP- and PS-waves. Based on the similarity between the PP-wave and the PS-wave events from the same interface, P-wave statics are used to constrain the calculation of S-wave statics. For comparison, conventional refraction static correction is implemented on the research data. Results show that both approaches produce comparable results for PP-waves, but the PS-wave results from the conventional approach indicate apparent residual statics. This case history demonstrates that joint consistent static correction can effectively solve the static correction problems of multicomponent seismic data and significantly improve the imaging quality.

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