
Most applications of multispectral imaging are explicitly or implicitly dependent on the dimensionality and topology of the spectral mixing space. Mixing space characterization refers to the identification of salient properties of the set of pixel reflectance spectra comprising an image (or compilation of images). The underlying premise is that this set of spectra may be described as a low dimensional manifold embedded in a high dimensional vector space. Traditional mixing space characterization uses the linear dimensionality reduction offered by Principal Component Analysis to find projections of pixel spectra onto orthogonal linear subspaces, prioritized by variance. Here, we consider the potential for recent advances in nonlinear dimensionality reduction (specifically, manifold learning) to contribute additional useful information for multispectral mixing space characterization. We integrate linear and nonlinear methods through a novel approach called Joint Characterization (JC). JC is comprised of two components. First, spectral mixture analysis (SMA) linearly projects the high-dimensional reflectance vectors onto a 2D subspace comprising the primary mixing continuum of substrates, vegetation, and dark features (e.g., shadow and water). Second, manifold learning nonlinearly maps the high-dimensional reflectance vectors into a low-D embedding space while preserving manifold topology. The SMA output is physically interpretable in terms of material abundances. The manifold learning output is not generally physically interpretable, but more faithfully preserves high dimensional connectivity and clustering within the mixing space. Used together, the strengths of SMA may compensate for the limitations of manifold learning, and vice versa. Here, we illustrate JC through application to thematic compilations of 90 Sentinel-2 reflectance images selected from a diverse set of biomes and land cover categories. Specifically, we use globally standardized Substrate, Vegetation, and Dark (S, V, D) endmembers (EMs) for SMA, and Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) for manifold learning. The value of each (SVD and UMAP) model is illustrated, both separately and jointly. JC is shown to successfully characterize both continuous gradations (spectral mixing trends) and discrete clusters (land cover class distinctions) within the spectral mixing space of each land cover category. These features are not clearly identifiable from SVD fractions alone, and not physically interpretable from UMAP alone. Implications are discussed for the design of models which can reliably extract and explainably use high-dimensional spectral information in spatially mixed pixels—a principal challenge in optical remote sensing.

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