
Requirements elicitation plays an important role as an activity to capture the needs from stakeholders in a variety of context. Being the earliest phase in requirements engineering process, we believed that the responsibility of selecting right requirements elicitation technique is among the essential factors contributing to the success or failure of developed system. This research explores the requirements elicitation activity within the context of developing Job Finder Website for disabled people. To provide a website that can fulfil disabled user needs, the requirements engineer certainly faced challenges. However, if an appropriate selection of requirements elicitation techniques was not neglected, requirements elicitation activity conducted with disabled people can gain accurate user requirements. This research refers to Malaysia Social Welfare Department’s as a case to study whether selected requirements elicitation technique is suitable for people with visual, communication, hearing and physical disability. Before the correct requirement elicitation techniques were selected, selection criteria were identified based on literature and interview session with Malaysia Social Welfare Department’s employees. We then demonstrate the applicability of selected techniques through illustrative examples. The output of this work is a list of requirements elicitation techniques to be applied in designing Job Finder Website for Disabled People.

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