
JJP Valeton Jnr was one of the main founders of the theological current in nineteenth century Holland called 'the ethical theology'. Some of the most prominent members of this current were, like Valeton, Old Testament specialists. One of the main characteristics of the ethicals was their distinction between scientific knowledge and the knowledge of faith. This enabled them to adopt a critical approach to the Bible while at the same time remaining active in the service of the church. In this article it is shown how Valeton applied this principle in his work on the history of Israelite religion. An attempt is made to demonstrate how his insight was more penetrating than that of even the great Abraham Kuenen.


  • J J P Valeton Jnr was one of the main founders of the theological current in nineteenth century Holland called 'the ethical theology'

  • Sy belang vir die teologie in Suid-Afrika het te doen met die inhoud van sy denke, maar ook met die feit dat hy een van die grondleggers van 'n tradisie was wat veral via professore Berend Gemser (1890-1962) en Adrianus van Seims (1906-1984) alhier 'n nakomelingskap verkry het

  • Hy het uit 'n geslag van Franse refugiés gestam en sy liefde vir die Ou Testament by sy vader, J J P Valeton sr, hoogleraar in Ou Testament te Groningen, geleer

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J J P Valeton Jnr was one of the main founders of the theological current in nineteenth century Holland called 'the ethical theology'. Vanweë die feit dat Van Seims tot hierdie tradisie behoort het en in dieselfde idioom gedink het, sal dit wesenlik nie net aan Valenton herinner nie, maar ook aan die leermeester van so baie van ons wat nie altyd die historiese wortels van ons vorming besef nie. Hierdie opvatting het dit vir Valeton en sy geesgenote moontlik gemaak om krities om te gaan met die begrippe of proposisies oor God wat in die Bybel voorkom en tegelyk die m odem iste se afwysing van alle openbaring te opponeer.

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