
With the increase in number of patients treated for urological problems with endoscopic procedures, the number of patients with JJ stent is also increasing. The amount of workload thus incurred multiplies, even to the point that, sometimes we waste more time in the operating room removing JJ stents than the actual endourological procedures. Here in our institute, we have devised a very simple and effective way of removing JJ stents in women and also determined the efficacy, safety and cost of JJ stent removal under ultrasound guidance in women in comparison to cystoscopic removal. Two hundred women attending the Department of Urology from July 2012 to July 2013 at RIMS hospital were randomly divided into two arms. One hundred women had their JJ stent removed with cystoscope and another 100 women had their JJ stent removed under ultrasound guidance using simple surgical tools available at the hospital. The primary comparative points were waiting time for operating room appointment date, cost of the procedure, time taken for the procedure, discomfort or pain felt by the patient and urethral injuries. In all the parameters, stent removal under ultrasound guidance was significantly better except for urethral injuries where both the procedures had similar outcomes. We concluded that JJ stent removal under ultrasound guidance in women was simple, effective and safe.

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