
Modern malware poses a severe threat to cybersecurity, continually evolving in sophistication. To combat this threat, researchers and security professionals continuously explore advanced techniques for malware detection and analysis. Dynamic analysis, a prevalent approach, offers advantages over static analysis by enabling observation of runtime behavior and detecting obfuscated or encrypted code used to evade detection. However, executing programs within a controlled environment can be resource-intensive, often necessitating compromises, such as limiting sandboxing to an initial period. In our article, we propose an alternative method for dynamic executable analysis: examining the presence of malicious signatures within executable virtual pages precisely when their current content, including any updates over time, is accessed for instruction fetching. Our solution, named JITScanner, is developed as a Linux-oriented package built upon a Loadable Kernel Module (LKM). It integrates a user-level component that communicates efficiently with the LKM using scalable multi-processor/core technology. JITScanner’s effectiveness in detecting malware programs and its minimal intrusion in normal runtime scenarios have been extensively tested, with the experiment results detailed in this article. These experiments affirm the viability of our approach, showcasing JITScanner’s capability to effectively identify malware while minimizing runtime overhead.

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