
Introduces a set of JIT house of matrices (collectively called here JIT quality matrices (JQM) and a matrix‐based procedure to analyse the results of strategic planning and implementation. Discusses the application of this matrix‐based approach to quantify and rank a set of chosen JIT tactics (called quality characteristics) at various points during its (JIT) implementation. The JQM and the matrix‐based procedure together define a measure of merits (a rating system) to prioritize a set of chosen JIT tactics. The rating system is derived from the same principles on which quality function deployment (QFD) was based. By providing the manufacturing and strategic development teams with a dynamic rating system, it has been possible to measure the progress and strategize a new line of JIT tactics, whenever the company′s situation or priority changes. With JQM, it is possible to realize an incorporation of continuous improvements (CPI) into the JIT implementation process. Inclusion of CPI is an inherent part of this procedure requiring no additional effort. The benefit of integrating CPI with JQM is manifested by its ability to reconfigure the chosen implementation strategies dynamically. The procedure allows the strategic team, at the start (based on its rating), to select an optimal mix of JIT tactics. Later, anytime during its implementation cycle, the team can monitor the process dynamically by analysing a quality characteristics trade‐off to see whether a mid‐course correction or change in the line of JIT tactics is necessary. This enables the planning team to sustain a series of successful planning activities throughout the strategic implementation process. This also prevents the manufacturing and strategic teams from unknowingly making any possible implementation mistakes.

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