
Cloud computing is the foundation of the contemporary IT era, where both small and large businesses use its services directly or indirectly. Cloud computing is currently a necessary talent that any IT professional should possess. It is no longer a specialized expertise.. Cloud computing technology is now a standard for IT deployment in the business, educational, and governmental sectors as a result of its extensive adoption. Yet, there are security flaws in cloud technologies like Web-based dashboards and hypervisors that could allow data to leak. The consequences of data leakage are severe; for a corporation like Exactis, one such event resulted in the exposure of 340 million client details. This paper provides an overview of different cloud computing techniques for identifying data leakage. We'll start by discussing the possibility of data leaking while using the proposed method. The Audit Trail/Transaction, Watermarking Method, Data Allocation Techniques, and VM Migration Process will be covered in more detail later. Keywords: Data Leakage, Cloud Computing, Cloud Security, Information Security

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