
At the International Congress of Coptic Studies in Rome on 18 September2012, Professor Karen L. King, Hollis Professor of Divinity fromHarvard Divinity School, presented a papyrus fragment with Coptic text,known as The Gospel of Jesus’ Wife. This document includes very problematicsentence: „Jesus said to them: My wife…”. Prof. King maintains inher article that the papyrus comes from the 4th century and contains Coptictranslation of a gospel, possibly written in Greek in the second century,although there is no consensus among the experts on this matter.This article engages in the debate on The Gospel of Jesus’ Wife and firstincludes the description of the manuscript and its datation, then provides theCoptic text with its translation and in finally the comparison is made of theGospel with the selected verses from another Coptic document: The Gospelof Thomas. The article shows, that The Gospel of Jesus’Wife is a modernforgery, written on a scrap of ancient papyrus and that most of words andexpressions, used in this document, comes from The Gospel of Thomas.

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