
Preface Life in the Counterculture The Catastrophic Event The Dynamic and Causes of Radicalization Method Book Structure 1. Ancient and Modern History: The Founding Myths Hasmoneans Terrorism in Jerusalem Jewish Political Activism in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries 2. Early and Mid-Twentieth Century: Ethno-Religious Terrorism The Split Between the Etzel and the Lehi The Assassination of Lord Moyne From the Season to the United Resistance Movement The Partition Plan The Assassination of Israel Kastner Kingdom of Israel (the Tzrifin Underground) Brit Hakanaim (Covenant of the Zealots) 3. The Camp David Accords: The Struggle over the Promised Land The Attack on the Mayors The Crisis of the Camp David Accords The Jewish Underground The Founding Clique Vengeance Removing the Abomination The Massacre at the Islamic College The Exposure of the Network and Conclusions 4. Meir Kahane and the Kach Movement: Jews Against Israelis Hebron Then and Now From Jewish Defense League to Kahanist Counterculture Early Days Yoel Lerner The Modern Hasmonean Revolt The Struggle in Sinai TNT The Committee for the Safety of the Roads The Disciples God of Vengeance 5. The Assassination of Yitzak Rabin The Vengeance Underground The Yigal Amir Group The Plot Formation of the Network 6. The Second Intifada: Vengeance The Hilltop Youth The Bat Ayin Group The Withdrawal from Gaza Gush Katif Sa Nur Kfar Tapuach Amona 7. Eccentric Cults, Vengeances, and Lone Wolves Uzi Meshulam Cult The Jerusalem Groups: The Ein Kerem Group and the Lifta Gang Spontaneous Vengeance Interim Summary: The Exceptional Groups Mental Health and External Events Vengeance, Counterculture, and Mental Disturbances The Lone Avengers The Mindset of the Lone Wolves 8. In the Name of God, the People, and the Land: Reassessment of the Causes of Jewish Terrorism Comparing Jewish Terrorism with Other Manifestations of Religious Terrorism Concluding Remarks: Looking Ahead Glossary Chronology of Attacks and Events Related to Jewish Terrorism Notes Index

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