
Let $G$ be a complex reductive group and $V$ a $G$-module. Then the $m$th jet scheme $G_m$ acts on the $m$th jet scheme $V_m$ for all $m\geq 0$. We are interested in the invariant ring $\mathcal{O}(V_m)^{G_m}$ and whether the map $p_m^*\colon\mathcal{O}((V//G)_m) \rightarrow \mathcal{O}(V_m)^{G_m}$ induced by the categorical quotient map $p\colon V\rightarrow V//G$ is an isomorphism, surjective, or neither. Using Luna's slice theorem, we give criteria for $p_m^*$ to be an isomorphism for all $m$, and we prove this when $G=SL_n$, $GL_n$, $SO_n$, or $Sp_{2n}$ and $V$ is a sum of copies of the standard representation and its dual, such that $V//G$ is smooth or a complete intersection. We classify all representations of $\mathbb{C}^*$ for which $p^*_{\infty}$ is surjective or an isomorphism. Finally, we give examples where $p^*_m$ is surjective for $m=\infty$ but not for finite $m$, and where it is surjective but not injective.

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