
Parton propagation in dense nuclear matter results in elastic, inelastic and coherent multiple soft scattering with the in-medium color charges. Such scattering leads to calculable modifications of the hadron production cross section that is evaluated in the framework of the perturbative QCD factorization approach. Final state medium-induced gluon bremsstrahlung is arguably the most efficient way of suppressing large transverse momentum particle production in nucleus-nucleus collisions. The observed hadronic attenuation, known as jet quenching, can be related to the properties of the medium, such as density and temperature, and carries valuable information about the early stages of heavy ion reactions. Non-Abelian energy loss in the quarkgluon plasma can be studied in much greater detail through the modification of the two particle back-to-back correlations. Perturbative calculations give good description of the redistribution of the lost energy in lower transverse momentum particles and predict significant increase of the correlation width of away-side di-hadrons. In contrast, energy loss in cold nuclear matter was found to be small but for large values of Feynman-x is expected to complement the dynamical higher twist shadowing in experimentally observable forward rapidity hadron suppression.

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