
The leading logarithmic approximation of perturbative QCD is a powerful method for studying the properties of quark and gluon jets. With the parton interpretation of this approximation proposed by Lipatov (see Yad. Fiz., vol.20, p.181, 1974) one obtains a useful and physically transparent scheme. It provides a physical understanding of the regularisation prescription in the Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi equation. The author derives within this scheme generalised Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi equations for multi-parton distributions, which are the basis of the jet calculus rules. He shows that this scheme allows for a simple derivation of the known ladder graph integral equation for single-parton distributions and of the Sterman-Weinberg formula (see Phys. Rev. Latt., vol.39, p.1436, 1977) in logarithmic approximation.

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