
Core collapse supernovae (SN) are the final stages of stellar evolution in massive stars during which the central region collapses, forms a neutron star (NS), and the outer layers are ejected. Recent explosion scenarios assumed that the ejection is due to energy deposition by neutrinos into the envelope but detailed models do not produce powerful explosions. There is mounting evidence for an asphericity in the SN which is difficult to explain within this picture. This evidence includes the observed high polarization, pulsar kicks, high velocity iron-group and intermediate-mass elements material observed in remnants, etc. The discovery of highly magnetars revived the idea that the basic mechanism for the ejection of the envelope is related to a highly focused MHD-jet formed at the NS. Our 3-D hydro simulations of the jet propagation through the star confirmed that the mechanism can explain the asphericities. In this paper, detailed 3-D models for jet induced explosions of classical core collapse supernovae are presented. We demonstrate the influence of the jet properties and of the underlaying progenitor structure on the final density and chemical structure. Finally, we discuss the observational consequences, predictions and tests of this scenario.

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