
Higgs boson and massive-graviton productions in association with two jets via vector-boson fusion (VBF) processes and their decays into a vector-boson pair at hadron colliders are studied. They include scalar and tensor boson production processes via weak-boson fusion in quark-quark collisions, gluon fusion in quark-quark, quark-gluon and gluon-gluon collisions, as well as their decays into a pair of weak bosons or virtual gluons which subsequently decay into $\ell\bar\ell$, $q\bar q$ or $gg$. We give the helicity amplitudes explicitly for all the VBF subprocesses, and show that the VBF amplitudes dominate the exact matrix elements not only for the weak-boson fusion processes but also for all the gluon fusion processes when appropriate selection cuts are applied, such as a large rapidity separation between two jets and a slicing cut for the transverse momenta of the jets. We also show that our off-shell vector-boson current amplitudes reduce to the standard quark and gluon splitting amplitudes with appropriate gluon-polarization phases in the collinear limit. Nontrivial azimuthal angle correlations of the jets in the production and in the decay of massive spin-0 and -2 bosons are manifestly expressed as the quantum interference among different helicity states of the intermediate vector-bosons. Those correlations reflect the spin and the CP nature of the Higgs bosons and the massive gravitons.

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