
ABSTRACT Jean Bretonnel was a prominent French boxing coach/manager active from 1925 to 1989. He succeeded in shaping a new profession and, above all, in getting French boxing recognised by the Americans who at that time controlled the professional sport globally. Admittedly, he benefited from a favourable socio-historical context during France’s post-war reconstruction, when boxing matches were among the country’s most popular sporting spectacles. But how do we account for Bretonnel’s individual success in this competitive environment? In this article I explore the professional trajectory of Jean Bretonnel on two levels. On the one hand I consider his personality, examining notions of culture and relationship to culture as encapsulated in the concept of “cultural form”. On the other hand, his career path is analysed in terms of the “system” he established by drawing on both his network of contacts and his specialist knowledge as manager and coach.

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