
Intense jealousy can be emotional acid that corrodes marriages, undermines self-esteem, triggers battering, and is a key motive in the murder of mates and ex-mates (Buss, 2000a, 2000b; Buss & Duntley, 2011; Daly & Wilson, 1988; Daly, Wilson, & Weghorst, 1982). Extreme jealousy has been given many names in the clinical and psychiatric literature—The Othello Syndrome, Morbid Jealousy, Psychotic Jealousy, Pathological Jealousy, Conjugal Paranoia, and Erotic Jealousy Syndrome. Jealousy, of course, can be pathological. It can destroy previously harmonious relationships, rendering them hellish nightmares of daily existence. Trust slowly built from years of mutual reliance can be torn asunder. Jealousy causes more women to flee in terror to shelters for battered women than any other cause (Wilson & Daly, 1996).

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