
Diagnosing depression during adolescence is complex due to the variety of manifestations encountered. Besides, depression is a common comorbidity in autism spectrum disorders and can be difficult to diagnose. We report here the case of a 17-year-old adolescent hospitalized for major hetero-aggressive behavior in a context of melancholic depression. We present the multidisciplinary care provided: psychotherapeutic, medication, family, and body packing. The case of this patient was complex due to multiple “internal” constraints linked to comorbidities (autism spectrum disorder, coordination impairment, attention disorder, sluggish cognitive tempo), as well as “external” constraints (complicated family context, worsening of disorders coinciding with the start of the SARS-cov-19 epidemic and the closure of the day hospital supporting him). These factors raised important questions in the choice of treatments for this patient, required several months of hospitalization and opened a discussion around differential diagnoses.

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