
The intended focus of this research was to explore the relationship between the teaching approach of a postgraduate module and the development of critical management education pedagogy. We utilise a combined action learning and group work approach adopting principles of action learning and reflection. The paper reports on the views of three academics reflecting on the development of a new module, two years into the delivery and explores the impact of using an alternative delivery model to generate a transformational learning environment while developing students’ approach to scholarship, research, and writing.The paper draws on literature on the Jazz metaphor and the relevance of a Jazz approach, with an emphasis on collaboration, trust, improvisation, and creativity, to developing critical research in management education. Key findings point to the ‘notion of pedagogical shock’ for both students and staff. Students found the change in teaching techniques to be a challenge. However, the anecdotal evidence seemed to suggest improved engagement culminating in improved results. The article therefore offers an opportunity for fellow academics to consider their approach to teaching and learning and whether such an adaptation would work for them, in their setting.

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