
Nowadays it is not disputed that the success of organizations significantly depends on their human resource competencies and motivation to achieve organizational goals. Therefore, it is not yet considered how to ensure employee motivation in organizations: it depends on job satisfaction or satisfaction of needs? Management literature in this area suggests that the exploration of human needs could contribute to solving of problems associated with people, and especially with young people, expectations in the labour market and their motivation to work. Thus, such studies may be useful in trying to understand and prevent the emigration of the youth and brain drain – these problems are among the most important in Lithuanian labour market. However, there still exists a theoretical, as well as, practical problem, in discussion which of the needs have the biggest influence on the young people’s decisions in the labour market, what they expect in organizations. Therefore, the object of the research, presented in this article, is expectations of young people, potential labour market participants, in Lithuania. The aim of the research is to identify the needs and factors that influence young people, the potential labour market participants, in Lithuania. To achieve this aim the following objectives have been formulated: 1) to justify the main theoretical provisions and research methodology; 2) to identify expectations of young people in Lithuanian labour market through their needs and factors that have influence on them; 3) to rank these needs in order of importance, according to sex, education and work experience features. The research is based on the fundamental provisions of A. Maslow theory, because it suggests the most valuable information on the human needs groups and gives ideas how to determine their significance. In order to get more information about the factors, having influence on the individual human needs at work in the organization, basically the factors of F. Herzberg theory were used. The link between A. Maslow’s needs groups and motivators as well as the hygiene factors set by F. Herzberg were determined according to P. Keogh (2013). The authors developed for the survey a questionnaire with 22 statements. Due to the goal of the research the statements were formulated using the statement: “it would be important for me“. To assess these statements there has been used the Likert 5 point response scale with separated neutral evaluation. For the sample of the research there was formed a scale of the respondents at the age of 22-25 years, taking into account the specificity of Lithuania. The representativeness of the survey sample – 266 respondents – was calculated according to the online calculator (see: http://www.apklausos.lt/imties- dydis). The authors aiming to collect the data conducted a web-based anonymous survey in the period from March 2013 to April 2013. The request to complete a web-based questionnaire was distributed via intranets and social networks stressing the anonymity of the respondents. 298 respondents were surveyed. The data of the survey was processed applying MS Excel for Windows software package. The survey of young people expectations in Lithuanian labour market leads to provisions that they would wish to meet all the needs of A. Maslow theory, and approximately all groups of the needs are of the same importance for young people. The analysis of separate factors, which have influence on the different need groups, showed that young people expect to meet their needs in various ways and all of them are quite important. Salary appeared to be the key factor in meeting their needs throughout all employee groups. In the second place of the importance appeared the successful performance of job tasks. Social security, positive opinion of managers, subordinates and peers as well as good working conditions were found as very important factors too, which are influencing the needs of young people. However, degree of control at work, benefits, responsibility and possibility to make decisions are relatively less important for young people. The research also revealed that the needs of young people in Lithuanian labour market at the age of 22-25 years do not correspond to A. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. They could be ranked in the following sequence: 1) esteem needs, 2) self-actualization needs, 3) physiological needs, 4) belongingness needs, 6) security needs. Despite the fact that for the young people in Lithuania physiological needs are in the third place in order of importance, the sufficient salary and working conditions are among the most significant expectations. Social security in the security needs group is also of high interest.

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