
Jasper is now 12 years old. When he was seven he started primary school in England after moving to the UK with his family. He had been adopted from Eastern Europe when he was two years old. From the beginning of his schooling in England he struggled and others struggled with him. At one school he was faced with exclusion but before this could happen his parents moved him to another school where, immediately, his ‘special’ needs were considered. This article is the educational story of Jasper, how his needs were ignored and misunderstood at one school, yet fully taken into account by another. Told from a service-user perspective, it explores Jasper’s experiences of despair and hope, and how his adoptive parents worked strategically with a range of services to ensure that his educational needs were met in the context of understanding his emotional needs. It provides suggestions for improved educational practice with adopted children like Jasper. The story is based on real events but names, locations and other identifiers have been changed to ensure anonymity.

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