
Effects of jasmonic acid (JA) on in vitro tuberization of six potato cultivars were examined. Tuberization was carried out in the dark, or with 8 h photoperiod on MS media with vitamins, 8% sucrose, 0.6% agar and either 2.5 μM JA (JAMed) or no JA using explants either preconditioned with 2.5 μM JA (JAPret) or not. Cultivars Amisk, Russet Burbank, Sangre and Umatilla Russet produced the most (1.0–1.7) and the largest microtubers per explant. Tuberization was inconsistent in Shepody and poor in Atlantic. All cultivars tuberized significantly better in 8 h than in the dark. JA effects were cultivar specific and larger in the dark than in light. In the dark, Amisk, Atlantic and Umatila Russet tuberized better in JAMed than in JAPret. These cultivars did not benefit from JA treatments in light. Russet Burbank and Sangre tuberized in the dark better from JAPret cuttings than on JAMed medium. JA had no effect on tuberization in Shepody. JA double treatment in light vs. control and individual JA treatments significantly reduced tuberization in Shepody and Russet Burbank.

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