
Did Israelites offer up human sacrifices, especially of children ? Students of this problem have awaited anxiously results of excavation work Palestine because it was hoped therefrom some knowledge would be gained of religious practices of people who were dispossessed of their land by these Hebrew conquerors. If Canaanites kindled upon their altars the sacrificial fire or by any other means offered their gods a human sacrifice, then it was argued a strong presumption would be created early representative Hebrews such as Abraham and Jephthah reveal by their acts prevalence of practice among their own people. From this standpoint then, as well as from scientific, question of present interest is: Did Canaanites offer up human sacrifices to their gods ? An unqualified affirmative answer has been received from Mr. Macalister, director of British work at Gezer, based on his interpretation of unique find made in earth underlying temple area of ancient city. This cemetery of infants deposited large jars when carefully explored produced such positive evidence conclusion was reported at once: that we have here to deal with infant sacrifices is, I think, so self-evident it may be assumed without argument. This opinion has not since been changed but has been further affirmed by other Palestinian excavators, Professor D. E. Sellin and Dr. Schumacher, and also by distinguished Father Vincent of Jerusalem, author of Canaan d'apres 1'exploration r6cente.

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