
OZET Bu calismada, dollenmis japon baligi yumurtalarindaki (Carassius sp.) embriyolojik ve larval gelisim incelenmistir. Istanbul Universitesi Su Urunleri Fakultesi Akvaryum Baliklari Yetistiriciligi Laboratuvari'nda 24 °C lik su sicakligi ve 7,1-7,4 pH da elde edilen dollenmis yumurtalardaki embriyolojik gelisim incelenmistir. Yapilan olcumlerde; japon baliginin yeni dollenmis yumurtalarinin yuvarlak, seffaf renkte ve 1,4-1,6 mm capinda oldugu, yumurtadan cikan keseli larvalarin ise saydam ve boy ortalamasinin 4,3-4,4 mm oldugu tespit edilmistir. Dollenmis yumurtalarda ilk 2 saatlik surede perivitellin boslugun olustugu, 2,5 saatin sonunda mitoz bolunmenin gerceklestigi, 7. saatte morula safhasinin basladigi ve blastula donemindeki (7,5 saat) yumurtada blastodermin periblasti olusturdugu gorulmustur. 19. saatin sonunda gastrula safhasi devam etmistir. 21.saatte vitellus uzerinde goz vezikulleri olusmus ve 26. saatte kuyruk somitleri ile pigmentasyon olusmaya baslamistir. 70. saate embriyo hareket etmistir. Butun bu gelisim safhalarindan sonra larvanin yumurtadan cikisi 73. saatte gerceklesmistir. 76. saatte vitellus cekilmeye baslamis ve kuyruk yuzgeci belirgin hale gelmistir. Larvalarda 81. saatte vitellus cekilmis, hava kesesi olusmus ve agiz acikligi henuz gorulmemistir. 82. saatte ic organlar ve yuzgec olusumlari belirgin hale gelmis ve agiz acikligi olusmaya baslamistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Japon baligi, Carassius sp., embriyolojik ve larval gelisim. INVESTIGATION OF EMBRYOLOGIC AND LARVAL DEVELOPMENT ON THE GOLD FISH (Carassius sp.) ASTRACT Embryologic and larval developments of the fertilized gold fish (Carassius sp.) eggs were investigated in this research. Embryologic development of the fertilized eggs in the water of 24 °C and 7.1-7.4 pH obtained aquarium laboratory of the Fisheries Faculty, istanbul University were completed at 73 hours. The new fertilized gold fish eggs, were found round, transparent colour and 1.4-1.6 mm diameter, the newly hatched larva were determined transparent and 4.3-4.4 mm in the measurements. During the first 2 hours perivitellin has been occured and after that 2.5 hours mytosis stage were conducted and morula stage was started in first 7 hours. In blastula stage (7.5 hours) periblast was beeing by blastoderm and gastrula stage was followed. Eyes vesiculles were occured in 21 hours, caudal sommits and pigmentation in 26 hours. Embrio was mooved in 70. hours and fry was hatched in 73 hours. Vittelus absorbed by the larvae in 76. hours and caudal fin was occured. Vitellus absorbtion was completed and swim blader was occured in larvae but nouth opening was not shown in 81. hours. Visceral organ and fins were shown and mouth oppening was appear in 82 hours. As a result, during the larval development period of gold fish environmental conditions were effect embryologic and larval development and breeding of the fish. Key Words: Gold fish, Carassius sp., embryologic and larval development.

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