
Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), an RNA virus transmitted by Culex mosquitoes, primarily cycles between aquatic birds and mosquitoes with pigs as amplifying hosts, posing a significant global encephalitis threat. The emergence and spread of the JEV in new epidemiological regions, such as recent cases in Australia and nonendemic areas like Pune, India, raise significant concerns. With an estimated 68000 clinical cases and 13600 to 20400 deaths annually, JEV poses a substantial global health threat. The virus primarily affects children, with a case-fatality ratio of 20-30% and long-term neurological sequelae in survivors. The changing epidemiology, influenced by factors like bird migration, climate change, and increased urbanization, contributes to the geographic expansion of JEV. The recent outbreaks underscore the potential for the virus to establish itself in nonendemic regions, posing a threat to populations previously considered at low-risk. With limited treatment options and high rates of neurological complications, continued surveillance, traveler vaccination, and research into treatments are crucial to mitigate the impact of JEV on human health. The evolving scenario necessitates proactive measures to prevent and control the spread of the virus in both endemic and newly affected areas.

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