
On 7 July 2017, the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) to ban nuclear weapons in general was adopted in the United Nations General Assembly. The Japanese government, however, voted against the TPNW while insisting on its own resolution plan to facilitate global nuclear elimination. This chapter examines Japan’s nuclear identity with regard to the legal prohibition of nuclear weapons, especially the TPNW. Why did the Japanese government vote against the TPNW despite the fact that Japan is the sole state to have ever suffered nuclear bombing in war? With a view to providing multiple perspectives regarding this simple but important question, this chapter applies ‘analytical eclecticism’ in combination with international relations theory. The multiple theoretical perspectives on Japan’s policy toward nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament are instrumental in clarifying Japan’s nuclear identity and exploring its role in nuclear abolition. Finally, this chapter considers alternative policy options that the Japanese government needs to take into consideration and put into practice in order to bridge a gap between nuclear and non-nuclear countries toward the total elimination of nuclear weapons.

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