
Introduction PART I: RELATIONS: 1949-1984 The San Francisco Peace Treaty and the Definition of the Kurile Islands H.Wada The Soviet-Japanese Postwar Peace Settlement in Retrospect B.Slavinsky Reconciliation in the Fifties: The Logic of Soviet Decision-Making A.Zagorsky Two Decades of Soviet Diplomacy and Andrei Gromyko P.Berton Japan-Soviet Political Relations from 1976 to 1983 H.Kimura PART II: RELATIONS: 1985-1999 Japan-Soviet Relations under Perestroika: Perceptions and Interactions between Two Capitals N.Shimotomai Russian Decision-Making on Japan in the Gorbachev Era L. L.Tarlow A Japanese View of Japan-Russian Relations between the August 1991 Coup and President Yeltsin's State Visit of October 1993 S. Edamura A Russian View of Russian-Japanese Relations in 1991-93 G.Kunadze Why Did Russia and Japan Fail to Achieve Rapprochement in 1991 to 1996? T.Hasegawa Cross-Border Relations and Russo-Japanese Bilateral Ties in the 1990s G.Rozman Russo-Japanese Relations after Yeltsin's Re-election in 1996 K.Sarkisov Japanese-Russian Relations in 1997-99: The Struggle against Illusions S.Hakamada PART III: MUTUAL INFLUENCES AND COMPARISONS Factors Shaping the Formation of Views on Japan in the USSR in the Postwar Period S.Verbitsky Japanese Perceptions of the Soviet Union and Russia in the Postwar Period T.Hasegawa Overcoming the Legacy of History: Japanese Public Relations in Russia, 1990-94 A.Kawato Nihonjinron and Russkaia Ideia: Transformation of Japanese and Russian Nationalism in the Postwar Era and Beyond T.Anno Japan and Russia: Great Power Ambitions and Domestic Capacities G. Rozman

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