
We give a large class of new supersymmetric Janus solutions in dyonic ISO(7) maximal gauged supergravity encompassing all known solutions appearing recently. We consider SO(3) invariant sector in which the gauged supergravity admits four supersymmetric AdS4 vacua with N = 1, 1, 2, 3 unbroken supersymmetries and G2, SU(3), SU(3) × U(1) and SO(4) symmetries, respectively. We find Janus solutions preserving N = 1, 2, 3 supersymmetries and interpolating between AdS4 vacua and the N = 8 SYM phase. These solutions can be interpreted as conformal interfaces between SYM and various conformal phases of the dual field theory in three dimensions. The solutions can also be embedded in massive type IIA theory by a consistent truncation on S6. We also find a number of singular Janus solutions interpolating between N = 8 SYM or AdS4 vacua and singularities or between singular geometries. It turns out that, apart from the SYM phase on D2-branes, all the singularities arising in these solutions are unphysical in both four- and ten-dimensional frameworks.


  • We will find Janus solutions involving N = 3 AdS4 vacuum with SO(4) symmetry and solutions preserving N = 2, 3 supersymmetries. These solutions are entirely new, and by including the N = 3 critical point, we find a large number of supersymmetric Janus solutions interpolating among AdS4 vacua and N = 8 SYM phase

  • The SO(3) invariant sector of the ISO(7) gauged supergravity is described by N = 4 gauged supergravity coupled to three vector multiplets, the supersymmetric Janus solutions of interest here can be found within the N = 1 subtruncation of the ISO(3) × SO(3) gauged N = 4 supergravity

  • We have studied supersymmetric Janus solutions of four-dimensional N = 8 gauged supergravity with dyonic ISO(7) gauge group in SO(3) invariant sector

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Throughout the paper, space-time and tangent space indices are denoted by μ, ν, . The N = 8 supergravity admits global E7(7) and local composite SU(8) symmetries with the corresponding fundamental representations are respectively described by indices. Will be decomposed in the SL(8) basis as M = ([AB],[AB] ) with indices. 8 denoting fundamental representation of SL(8) ⊂ E7(7). In SL(8) basis, E7(7) generators are decomposed as tα = tAB ⊗ tABCD, α = 1, 2, 3, . This realizes the decomposition of E7(7) adjoint representation 133 → 63 + 70. An explicit representation of these generators in fundamental representation of E7(7) is given by (tAB )[CD][EF ]. Supersymmetry requires the embedding tensor to transform as 912 representation of E7(7). The SL(8) fundamental indices are decomposed as A, B, .

The covariant derivative of I is defined by
The superpotential is in turn given by
The scalar potential can be written in terms of W as
The variation δψρIgives the Killing spinor of the form ρ
Conclusions and discussions
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