
在无线网络中,媒介的广播、共享特性使其易于受到干扰性质的拒绝服务攻击,严重影响着网络的性能和安全.分析了当前存在的干扰攻击测度标准和攻击模型;从干扰攻击的检测、防御以及干扰源定位3 个方面对当前具有代表性的研究工作进行了详细的分析和总结.最后给出未来可能的研究方向和研究重点.;The broadcast nature of wireless network with sharing medium makes it particularly vulnerable to the jamming style of the denial of service attack, which is a great threat to network performance and security. In this paper, the state-of-the-art jamming metrics and jamming models are first analyzed, and the recent literatures on jamming attack are surveyed in detail in terms of jamming detection, defense and jammer localization. Finally, the possible future trends and key points about this issue are solved.

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