
Events that have been unfolding in Zimbabwe in the past decade beginning 1998 to be precise to the present are reminiscent of a nation that has become sick and in need of moral therapy. The malaise or decay has been so constant and perpetual that there appears to be no immediate end in sight. This work focuses on the normative dimension of politics in Zimbabwe over the last decade and draws special interest to the post March 2008 historic harmonised elections, that is, the presidential runoff between president Robert Mugabe of the Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front( ZANU PF) and winner of the first round of ballot, Morgan Tsvangirai of the Movement for Democratic change (MDC). The work draws on theoretical consideration of morality and politics in general and African morality in particular to argue for the need for moral rearmament within the country as part of the important process of national healing and reconstruction. The work argues that the blatant disregard for humanity in its diverse manifestations shown over the past decade calls for moral reorientation across the whole country. A regime change in and of itself would never guarantee the peace and tranquillity that once characterised the nation.

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