
In this paper we study a version of the Multidimensional Arrangement Problem (MAP) that embeds a graph into a multidimensional array minimizing the aggregated (Manhattan) distance of the embedded edges. This problem includes the minimum Linear Arrangement Problem (minLA) as a special case, among others. We propose JAM, a tabu-based two-stage simulated annealing heuristic for this problem. Our algorithm relies on existing techniques for the minimum linear arrangement (minLA) problem, which are non-trivially adapted to work in multiple dimensions. Due to the scarcity of specific benchmarks for MAP, we have tested the performance of our algorithm with benchmarks for the minLA and Quadratic Assignment Problems (with more than 80 graphs). For each graph in these benchmarks, we provide results for 1, 2 and 3-dimensional instances of MAP, enlarging, hence, the benchmarking resources for the research community. The results obtained show the practicality of JAM, often matching the best known result and even improving some of them.

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