
Soon after moving from Sarajevo to Zagreb, Jakob Pamic's interest focused upon the geology of the Pannonian Basin. In 1984, with his colleagues from Zagreb he guided a field trip for J. Fulop, T. Szederkenyi and S. Kovacs to the Papuk and Psunj Mts. This trip was followed in 1986 by his first visit to the Bukk Mts. and its surroundings in NE Hungary. In the same year he published his first paper in Acta Geologica Hungarica, in which he summarized the knowledge up to that time of the Variscan metamorphics and granitoids of Slavonian Mountains. This paper was followed by a number of contributions, either by himself or with co-authors, all aiming to trace the continuation of the NW Dinarides and the isolated Slavonian Mountains in the basement of the Pannonian Basin. It was unambigously Jakob Pamic who introduced the term “Tisia” or “Tisza Mega-unit” into Croatian geology, replacing the former “Supradinaricum”, recognizing that the Variscan metamorphic-granitoid complex of the Slavonian Mountains and of the pre-Neogene basement of the Drava–Sava Interfluve are totally exotic elements against the Dinarides. As an outcome of the discussions of terrane correlations within the framework of the Terrane Map Project (IGCP Project 276) on the occasion of the Carpatho-Balkan Geological Congress in Athens in 1995 (published in 1997: Pamic et al. and Kovacs et al.), he proposed to unify the Croatian “Hrvatsko Zagorje-Medimurje”and the Hungarian “MidTransdanubian” terranes and introduced the new term “Zagorje-Mid-Transdanubian” Zone/Terrane (Pamic and Tomljenovic 1998, which was also taken over by Hungarian geologists: Kovacs et al. 2000). This cooperation resulted in a review paper on the Alpine-Dinaridic-Pannonian triple junction area by Croatian, Hungarian and Slovenian geologists that appeared in International Journal of Earth Sciences (Haas et al. 2000). Further tracing the continuation of Inner Dinaridic ophiolitic units toward NE Hungary and SE Slovakia, he proposed the term “Sava–Bukk–Meliata Zone”

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