
The article discussesa book by Patrycja Włodek entitled Kres niewinności. Obraz i upamiętnienie ery Eisenhowera w amerykańskich filmach i serialach – pomiędzy reprezentacją, nostalgią a krytycznym retro [The End of Innocence: The image and remembrance of the Eisenhower era in American feature films and television series – between representation, nostalgia, and critical retro style]. The author of the article positions her publication amongst other film studies research devoted to “nostalgic cinema” and enters into dialogue with concepts put forward by Włodek. The polemical pendants and glosses centre on searching for currents, titles, and readings both supporting Włodek’s considerations and transcending her interpretive framework relating to retro nostalgic (cinema of the 1980s) and retro classic (the most recent films and television series).

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