
Neutron and electron diffraction, electrical transport and magnetic measurements have been carried out on a newly synthesized electron doped Sr1-xCe x MnO3 (x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4) system. For x=0.1, while cooling, it undergoes a first-order metal-insulator transition at 315 K which is associated with a structural transition from cubic (Pm3m) to tetragonal (I4/mcm) due to Jahn-Teller ordering ( $$({T_{JT}} \sim 315K)$$ ) which stabilizes a chain like (C-type) antiferromagnetic ground state with $${T_N} \sim 290K$$ . The antiferromagnetic insulator state is insensitive to an applied magnetic field of 7 T. With increase of x, while the nuclear structure at room temperature for x=0.2 and 0.3 remains tetragonal, for x=0.4 it becomes orthorhombic (Imma) where the doping electrons seem to occupy mainly the d x2-y2 symmetry. Further, the JT distortion and the antiferromagnetic interactions decrease with doping and a small negative magnetoresistance appears for $$x \ge 0.2$$ . Magnetic measurements show that the dilution of antiferromagnetic interaction results into a spin glass like behaviour at low temperature for the samples with x=0.3 and 0.4. This behaviour is in contrast with the CMR properties of calcium based electron doped systems and hole doped manganites. The stability of C-type antiferromagnetic ordering in the electron doped system with large A-site cationic size may be responsible for the absence of double exchange ferromagnetism and CMR effect.

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