
While other media of mass communication such as Television, Radio and Print have to contend, largely, with the expectations of informing, educating and entertaining, film ascends over all these to find a niche in “expressing”. Film, therefore, can set out for the singular purpose of expression. This study intends to analytically expose those indicators and determinants of feminism locked in within the film content of Isoken, a 2017 Nollywood movie produced and directed by Jadesola Osiberu. These components should lend evidence to the central argument in this paper that this particular film displays a strong tendency towards feminist sentiments.The Feminism Theory is, aptly, adopted to buttress the standpoint here. A theoretical study, it utilizes the qualitative research approach, relying on personal analysis and interpretation of the film. It found that a good number of elements exist within the film content to suggest that ISOKEN leans sufficiently towards feminism. These include Isoken's defiance of communal and family values, the predominantly female cast as well as the brazen usurpation of certain privileged roles that the Nigeria society had hitherto reserved for men, amongst others.The study concludes that both the scriptwriter and the director have succeeded in focusing on the female gender and putting forward female related issues. Wittingly or unwittingly, they have also ended up producing a film that is clearly within the sphere of feminism. Thus, this paper has added to the activity level in that particular aspect of knowledge, whilst also increasing available stock.

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