
We propose a top down construction for Jackiw-Teitelboim (JT) gravity using compactification of $ D=5 $ gravity theories in the presence of Abelian ($ U(1) $) as well as $ SU(2) $ Yang-Mills (YM) fields. The background solutions corresponding to $ D=2 $ model have been obtained in the perturbative regime of the theory where the corrections have been estimated over the uncharged JT solutions while treating the gauge couplings as the parameters of the expansion. Our analysis reveals the existence of two classes of solutions namely, (i) the \emph{interpolating} vacuum solution with AdS$_2$ in the IR and Lifshitz$_2$ in the UV (which serves as the thermal radiation background for our analysis) and (ii) the charged 2D black hole solution exhibiting Lifshitz$_2$ asymptotics. The analysis on thermal stability reveals the onset of a first order phase transition at $ T \sim T_0 $ such that for $ T < T_0 $ the only possible state is the thermal radiation background without any black hole. On the other hand, as the temperature is gradually increased beyond certain \emph{crossover} value $ T\sim T_2 (>T_0 )$, an emerging \emph{globally} stable black hole dominated phase has been observed which clearly indicates the onset of Hawking-Page (HP) transition in 2D gravity models.


  • We propose a top down construction for Jackiw-Teitelboim (JT) gravity using compactification of D 1⁄4 5 gravity theories in the presence of Abelian [Uð1Þ] as well as SUð2Þ Yang-Mills fields

  • Our analysis reveals the existence of two classes of solutions, namely, (i) the interpolating vacuum solution with AdS2 in the IR and Lifshitz2 in the UV and (ii) the charged 2D black hole solution exhibiting Lifshitz2 asymptotics

  • The analysis on thermal stability reveals the onset of a first-order phase transition at T ∼ T0 such that for T < T0 the only possible state is the thermal radiation background without any black hole

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In today’s literature, the celebrated AdS=CFT correspondence [1,2] is widely accepted to be the most remarkable achievement that took place in modern theoretical physics during past two decades. The collective analyses unveil ð1 þ 1ÞD JackiwTeitelboim (JT) dilaton gravity as the dual model [9,10] that has been conjectured Putting all these pieces together leads toward an emergent SYK=AdS2 correspondence [11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27]. (i) The ground state (vacuum) of the theory has been found to be interpolating between a Lifshitz at UV and an AdS2 in the IR This we identify as the thermal radiation background for our subsequent analysis in the Euclidean formalism.

A top down construction
Equations of motion
Solving the dynamics
Interpolating vacuum
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