
Abstract The static approach of representing metabolic pathway diagrams offers no flexibility. Thus, many systems adopt automatic graph layout techniques to visualize the topo-logical architecture of pathways. There are weaknesses, however, because automatically drawn figures are gen-erally difficult to understand. The problem becomes even more serious when we attempt to visualize all of the information in a single, big picture, which usually re-sults in a confusing diagram. To provide a partial sol-ution to this thorny issue, we propose J2dpathway, a metabolic pathway atlas viewer that has node-abstract-ing features. Availability: J2dpathway is a public domain software program. You may download the source code (http:// www.sourceforge.net/projects/j2dpathway) for GUI mod-ules, or the executable file (http://dream.ewha.ac.kr/ ~plumbum5/). Updates to this program will be available at frequent intervals.Keywords: drawing algorithm, edge crossings, metabolic pathway, scale-free network Summary

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