
The authors propose a new creative concept of "meta-engineering" as a dynamic engineering approach that is effective for continuous innovation. Addressing merely emerging issues with science and technology is insufficient for realizing such innovation. The proposal maintains that the spiral process is a key driving force for innovation and solution of challenges that local economy, regional communities, whole countries, and the world are faced with. The processes include "mining invisible and potential/latent issues from bird's eye point of view (M)", "exploring and strengthening necessary science and technologies (E)", "converging these science and technologies to generate solutions (C) " and "implementing them for creating social value (I)". These processes are represented as MECI process. Such actions require well-coordinated and intense academia-industry-government collaborations with close interactions with the general public, under the national and international science, technology and innovation policies execution. The authors emphatically propose to put a high priority on the development of "meta-engineering" as a new approach for innovation and sustainability for generations to come.

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