
The purpose of this study is to assess the extent of morphological changes in the structural components of the great saphenous vein in individuals of different age groups in norm and in varicose veins by morphometry of their volume fractions. The work was performed on autopsy material of 55 people who died at the age of 25 to 89 years, who had no pathological changes in the wall of the examined of the great saphenous veins at the time of death. To study of changes in the wall of the great saphenous vein in individuals of different age groups in varicose disease, fragments of veins removed during phlebotomy in 80 patients with varicose veins were used. The study of volume fractions structural components in individuals of different age groups showed that the volume of the inner shell - (further -tunica intima - TI) and the volume of the capillary network in the middle shell (hereinafter - tunica media - TM) decreased with age, while the volume of the muscular component in the circular layer of TM, as the age of patients did not change, and the content of longitudinal bundles of smooth muscle cells in the outer shell (further tunica externa - TE) increased. The study of changes in vascular-tissue relations in the wall of the great saphenous vein in individuals of different age groups showed that the vascularization of the circular layer of TM is higher than in TE. In varicose veins, there is an increase in volume fraction of TI in young and adulthood, which indicates an increase in signs of fibrosis, and a decrease in the volume fraction of TI in the elderly and old age indicates the progression of sclerotic changes. Unlike the norm in all age groups with varicose disease in the TM structure, the quantitative changes of the characteristics studied by us change into qualitative ones. In the circular layer TM, a decrease in the proportion of circularly oriented beams of smooth muscle cells is accompanied by an increase in the connective tissue matrix, the proportion of whose volume increases with the age of the patients. Thus, the data obtained by us showed that with age in the wall of the great saphenous vein are in varicose disease, morphological changes that promote endothelial dysfunction increase, which can be one of the factors of formation of thrombi. Also is reduced the share of structures with contractile function in TM, which leads to venous congestion in basin of the great saphenous vein.

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