
IYCr2014 activities of the Brazilian Crystallographic Association started last year, with its members actively participating in the First Latin American Congress of Crystallography (Oct.29-Nov.2, 2013) in Córdoba, Argentina. This meeting was a milestone to integrate the Latin American Crystallographic community, originating the Founding Act of the Latin American Crystallographic Association. After this event, groups from different parts of Brazil started planning activities for the celebration of IYCr2014. Some of the main events are: The EMBL sponsored the Structural and Biophysical Methods for Macromolecules in Solution course (Jan.19-26), that took place at the Univ. of Sao Paulo, within the Global Exchange Lecture Course Program. At IFSC-USP, a Macromolecular Crystallography School "from data processing to structure refinement and beyond" will be held on April 8-16, organized by CCCP4 and local researchers. At the annual meeting of the Braz. Chem. Soc. the symposium Past, Present and Future of Protein Crystallography in Brazil (26-29 May) is being organized. A Latin American Summit Meeting on Biological Crystallography and Complementary Methods will take place at the Brazilian Synchrotron Laboratory (22-24 Sept), with the presence of Nobel Prize laureate Ada Yonath. In the state of Minas Gerais, a Symposium on Evolution of Crystallography and a two month exhibition entitled Symmetry and diffraction: from the art to crystal structure in our daily lives will take place in October. Other exhibitions are also being planned with panels from the "100 Years of Crystallography" Grenoble team. An International Symposium on Crystallography will take place in Fortaleza/CE (UFC, 12-15 Oct.). Workshops and Lecture Courses on Appl. Crystallography (UFES, Vitoria- 23-25 May) and Rietveld methods (USP-SP, 1-5 Sep.) are also being announced. Two Open Lab activities are being planned with commercial sponsorship: Bruker-Axs (in Goiás–Oct.), Rigaku and Panalytical (SP, Aug. 20-21).

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