
The aim. To analyse the epidemiological situation on the ixodidae tick-borne infections in Kemerovo Region and to determine their clinical and epidemiological peculiarities in Novokuznetsk. The materials and methods. There have been analysed the official statistical data on the tick-borne infections, morbidity in the course of 10 years. There have been observed 240 patients: 106 cases of the tick-borne encephalitis, 118 cases of the Ixodidae tick-borne borreliosis, 13 cases of the tick-borne typhus, 3 cases accompanied with the tick-born infection.The antibodies to the tick-borne encephalitic virus, to Borreliae, to Erlichiae in the patients, serum and the antigene of the tick-borne encephalitic virus in the ticks were tested by the method of the immunoenzymatic analysis, the antibodies to Rickettsiae were tested by the method of the complement-fixation reaction. The results. The activity of the diseases, carriers is from 95 to 105 days in the course of different years. The maximum rate of morbidity cases is at the end of May and June. About 80% of residents of towns and cities suffer from these diseases. The encephalitic virus contagiousness of the ticks is 1,5–5,4 on different parts of the area. In the course of 10 years the rate of the tick-borne viral encephalitis morbidity in the regionhas decreased from 6,7 to 2,96, which 2 or 3 times exceeds Russia, average rate. Novokuznetsk rate is lower as compared with Kemerovo region, rate, varying from 5,3 to 2,1, without clear tendency to lowering of the rate; the meningeal and feverish forms being mainly registered. The Ixodidae tick-borne borreliosis morbidity in the region has increased and makes 3,9–10,1, which is higher than its level in Russia. In Novokuznetsk this rate is lower than in the region and in Russia (2,0–6,3), the erythematic and non-erythematic forms being registered with equal rate. About 2–3 cases of the tick-borne typhus have been registered every year. The cases of the monocytic erlichiosis of man are not registered. Tick-borne infections accompanying other diseases are diagnosed very rarely. The conclusion. In the etiological structure of the tickborne infections on the territory under investigation the leading importance have the tick-borne viral encephalitis (the morbidity rate has decreased) and Ixodidae tick-borne borreliosis (the morbidity rate has increased).

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