
We construct a two-variable analogue of Perrin-Riou's p-adic regulator map for the Iwasawa cohomology of a crystalline representation of the absolute Galois group of ℚp, over a Galois extension whose Galois group is an abelian p-adic Lie group of dimension 2. We use this regulator map to study p-adic representations of global Galois groups over certain abelian extensions of number fields whose localization at the primes above p is an extension of the above type. In the example of the restriction to an imaginary quadratic field of the representation attached to a modular form, we formulate a conjecture on the existence of a "zeta element", whose image under the regulator map is a p-adic L-function. We show that this conjecture implies the known properties of the 2-variable p-adic L-functions constructed by Perrin-Riou and Kim.

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