
The article is devoted to the artistic personality of Ivan Steshenko as an independent creative person of the early twentieth century, in which the poetic world reflected the stylistic and aesthetic contradictions inherent in the transitional era of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It was emphas ized that artistic thinking, literary style of the art is twas for me dinan atmosphere of communication and personal relation ships with many contemporary cultural figures: his biography is closely connected with Starytsky, Lesya Ukrainka, O. Konysky and others. Innovative features and conscientiousness of his poetry with works by M. Staritsky, Lesya Ukrainka and others canbetraced. The key images that reflect the complex system of Ivan Steshenko's spiritual life are considered and is a significant element of his artistic world, which combines neoclassical and neo-romantic elements, tangible relapses of positivism. It is proved that with out studying the artistic personality of Ivan Steshenko it is impossible to out line the true spiritual field of Ukrainian literature, toconstruct a complete model of the national literary process. It is noted that Ivan Steshenko's poetry is polyphonic. There is a desire in it to show the world in all its manifestations, to discover both aesthetic and civic stance. In his artistic word the actual and abstract, national and human, philosophical and social problems became firmly joined. In his writings, the poet reveals the tragic existence of man, reflects his temporality, shows the gap between dream and reality, demonstrates fatigue and frustration in search of happiness. In his poetry, the dramatic disharmony of the thinking man with the world of evil and violence is clearly embodied, the position of the rejection of the existing world order is clearly expressed. There is a synthesis of emotional and intellectual.

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