
Abstract Hildegardis Bingensis teaching liturgical law - Relations between documented visions and normative texts in the middle ages. Texts in the context of subjective experiences of visions on the one hand and norms looking for the highest levels of objectivity on the other hand seem to stand in insuperable opposition. Therefore it may be surprising that Hildegardis Bingensis in the eucharistic tract of her work Sci vias not only describes single elements of rites but also the duties of the priests concerning a correct execution of the rites including potential misunderstandings and abuses. The present contribution categorizes this phenomenon in the theological context and reports comparable sources (Otloh Ratisbonensis/Emmeramensis, Elisabeth Schoenaugiensis) dealing with defects of the administration of the mass and juridical instructions of the ecclesiastical discipline. The result is a new sight of the relation between the theology of the liturgy and the discipline of liturgy in the perspective of the developed liturgical law in the high middle ages.

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