
Preface Modeling the Direct Transition to Turbulence, by Paul Manneville Dynamical Systems and the Transition to Turbulence, by Bruno Eckhardt and Holger Faisst Nonlinear Solutions of Simple Plane Shear Layers with and without a System Rotation, by M. Nagata, G. Kawahara, T. Itano, D.P. Wall, T Mitsumoji and R. Nakamura Co-Supporting Cycle: Sustaining Mechanism of Large-Scale Structures and Near-Wall Structures in Channel Flow Turbulence, by Sadayoshi Toh, Tomoaki Itano and Kai Satoh Transition Threshold and the Self-Sustaining Process, by Fabian Waleffe and Jue Wang Turbulent-Laminar Patterns in Plane Couette Flow, by Dwight Barkley and Laurette S. Tuckerman Subcritical Turbulent Transition in Rotating and Curved Shear Flows, by Pierre-Yves Longaretti and Olivier Dauchot The Karhunen-Loeve Decomposition of the Autonomous Minimal Flow Unit, by D. Desmidts and D. Carati Coherent States in Transitional Pipe Flow, by Maria Isabella Gavarini, Alessandro Bottaro and Frans T.M. Nieuwstadt Instability, Transition and Turbulence in Plane Couette Flow with System Rotation, by P. Henrik Alfredsson and Nils Tilimark Transition to Versusfrom Turbulence in Subcritical Couette Flows, by A. Prigent and O. Dauchot Transition to Turbulence in Pipe Flow, by B. Hof Threshold Amplitudes in Subcritical Shear Flows, by Dan S. Henningson and Gunilla Kreiss Non-Linear Optimal Perturbations in Subcritical Instabilities, by Carlo Cossu A Bypass Scenario of Laminar-Turbulent Transition in the Wind-Driven Free-Surface Boundary Layer, by Victor I. Shrira, Guillemette Caulliez and Dmitry V. Ivonin Viscoelastic Nonlinear Traveling Waves and Drag Reduction in Plane Poiseuille Flow, by Wei Li, Philip A. Stone and Michael D. Graham Subcritical Instabilities in Plane Couette Flow of Visco-Elastic Fluids, by Alexander N. Morozov and Wim van Saarloos Subject Index.

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