
The stars and nebulae are HD 156738 and HDE 319703A, respectively centered in a pair of symmetric nebulae among the NGC 6334 group, AG Car in its nebula, HDE 250550 in nebula 8 of a catalog by Herbig, 209 BAC in Ml-67, and HD 89358 in NGC 3199. These include two O stars, two WN stars, an unstable B supergiant, and a ZAMS B star. Four of them are additions to a previous similar study, and the information about AG CAR and 209 BAC/Ml-67 is extended from that study. The objects are interpreted with Weaver et al.'s (1977) theory of the interaction of a stellar wind with the ambient interstellar medium, except where the short lifetime of the HDE 250550 nebula has forestalled such analysis. Spectral line identifications and types, and several parameters of mass loss, are tabulated. When the present mass loss rates are compared with previous results from other methods, there is an outstanding difference only for WN stars, since 1-3 x 10 to the -7th solar masses/year is derived here.

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