
In this exploratory study, the use of non-textual information in World of Warcraft, a game played over the Internet with a focus on fantasy, is examined. To date, very little research has focused on the visual and audio elements of video games from an informational perspective. However, video games incorporate elements of video, images, music, audio, and text to create a rich and complex environment. Through utilizing the ethnographic method of participant observation, the ways in which non-textual information is presented and how it affects the information received by the player was examined. In World of Warcraft, visual elements such as colour, shape, size, orientation and motion are brought together to create the visual experience. Audio elements include ambient sounds, sound effects, vocalizations, and music. Visual and audio elements work together to provide players with important information about how to play the game, as well as the game narrative. They work together as an information system that provides usability information, as well as an immersive experience.

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