
This article aims at understanding the core of family care and trajectory of searches for care, which makes up the Therapeutic Itinerary (TI) of an elderly in chronic psychological distress and her family. Case study of a family that experiences a chronic condition of elderly in psychological distress. To seize this experience the Focal Life History technique was used carried out through In-Depth Interview. For data organization and analysis, the drawing of the genogram and trajectory of searches for care, which composes the IT, was applied. The analysis revealed that the family is organized in clusters to manage the care of elderly care rotated through the stressful situation of the primary caregiver. The search for various professionals of the same specialty appears to result from low resolvability facing the patient’s symptoms of psychological distress, which was persistent and increased with the time. It was concluded that the professional care rendered to the elderly was limited to diagnostic interventions and / or drug-treatment for the symptoms, isolating her from the context of her life and family. It was also noticed the difficulty of the professionals in diagnosing something as subjective as psychological distress and deal with its repercussions in the family.


  • This article aims at understanding the core of family care and trajectory of searches for care, which makes up the Therapeutic Itinerary (TI) of an elderly in chronic psychological distress and her family

  • The analysis revealed that the family is organized in clusters to manage the care of elderly care rotated through the stressful situation of the primary caregiver

  • It was concluded that the professional care rendered to the elderly was limited to diagnostic interventions and / or drug-treatment for the symptoms, isolating her from the context of her life and family

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Dona Ana foi casada por vinte e cinco anos com o senhor Pedro, com quem teve cinco filhos: o primeiro nasceu morto; a segunda é Ivete, seguindo-se Vera, Lia e José, seu filho mais novo. Regularmente, dona Ana passa temporadas ou finais de semana com José, nos momentos em que as filhas não suportam o nível de estresse que esse cuidado acarreta, como ele mesmo nos diz:. Para a filha Ivete, os cuidados do dia a dia com a mãe representam ter que cuidar da medicação, evitar que sofra acidentes em casa, não dormir devido a sua insônia, levá-la ao médico, ao dentista, entre outros. As idas e vindas a esta unidade se davam à medida que ocorriam períodos de maior insônia e exacerbação dos sintomas do sofrimento psíquico de dona Ana. Ainda com o esposo, ela passou por um neurologista, um psiquiatra e um psicólogo (setas de 4 a 8 da figura 2), todos no setor privado, quando foi firmado seu primeiro diagnóstico: depressão. Aí eu falei pro meu irmão, eu falei: “Olha, vamo tê que dá um jeito de trocá esse médico que ela tá indo!” (Ivete)

Itinerário terapêutico de idosa e família
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